TITLE: Historiantes (Moro) Mask (Child’s)
TYPE: face mask
COUNTRY: El Salvador
SUBREGION: San Salvador
DESCRIPTION: Moro (Moor) Mask
MAKER: Victor Manuel Cruz (Panchimalco, 1950- )
CEREMONY: Danza de los Historiantes
AGE: 2016
MAIN MATERIAL: pito wood
OTHER MATERIALS: oil-based paint; animal hair; shoestrings

The Danza de los Historiantes (Dance of the Historical Persons), also known as the Danza de los Moros y Cristianos (Dance of the Moors and Christians) reenacts the reconquest of Spain by the Christians from the Muslim Saracens.  The story was taught by missionaries as part of an effort to instill respect for and fear of the Spaniards in the indigenous peoples, and to convince them that the victory of Christianity over other faiths—by violence whenever necessary—was inevitable.

The dance is still performed in several parts of El Salvador, usually on the festival in honor of the village’s patron saint. The dance group includes several Spaniards with their prince and princess or king and queen, and an equal number of Moors with their royalty. Each Spaniard and Moor has a specific role (ambassador, captain, doctor, etc.). Usually each side has its own clown (bufón). In the neighborhood of Panchimalco, where this mask originates, twelve or more dancers reenact the history with recited verses, feigned combat, and clownish antics. They are accompanied by the music of the carrizo (reed flute) and tambor indio (drum).

In the region of San Salvador, masks are inevitably red and blue, with Christians having clean-shaven faces and Moors having mustaches or beards. In other parts of El Salvador, the masks are different colors (green and pink, bright pink, etc.) or resemble natural skin. This mask was made and used in Panchimalco by a child.

Click above to watch a short documentary film on the Historiantes ceremony of El Salvador.


TITLE: Dog Mask
TYPE: face mask
COUNTRY: El Salvador
SUBREGION: San Salvador
DESCRIPTION: Perro (Dog) Mask
MAKER: Celio López (San Antonio Abad, 1962- )
CEREMONY: Danza del Venadito (Dance of the Little Deer)
AGE: 2015
MAIN MATERIAL: pito wood
OTHER MATERIALS: oil-based paint; rubber; shoestrings

The Danza del Venadito (Dance of the Little Deer) is an ancient dance drama performed in the San Antonio Abad region of San Salvador during the Fiesta del Virgen del Trànsito (Feast of the Assumption) from August 6 to 15, with variations performed elsewhere in El Salvador at other times. The dance is accompanied by the music of pito flute, drum and slit drum (tepunahuaste). The dance tells the story of an ancient deer hunt, in which a jaguar (tigre) intervenes to chase the deer as well. The hunters and townsfolk assemble with their dogs (one represented by this mask) to reorganize the hunt and succeed in killing the jaguar. They then recite comical rhymes relating to the portioning out of the jaguar, such as: “La cabeza para la niña Teresa, las costillas para la cofradía, la cola para la niña Pola, el pellejo para los viejos,” and so forth. (“The head for the child Teresa, the ribs for the fraternal order, the tail for the child Pola, the pelt for the elders,” etc.).


TITLE: Carnival Mask
TYPE: face mask
COUNTRY: El Salvador
SUBREGION: San Salvador
DESCRIPTION: Dientón/Lenguón (Big Teeth/Big Tongue) Mask
MAKER: Celio López (San Antonio Abad, 1962- )
CEREMONY: Carnival
AGE: 2016
MAIN MATERIAL: pito wood
OTHER MATERIALS: oil-based paint; shoestrings

Carnival is celebrated in El Salvador with the same enthusiasm as it is in other Catholic countries.  Carnival is the celebration prior to the fasting season of Lent.  In some parts of El Salvador, such as the San Antonio Abad neighborhood of San Salvador, paraders or celebrants wear wooden masks depicting characters from popular culture, political figures, animals, or clowns. This dientón/lenguón (big teeth/big tongue) mask falls into the last category, representing a clown intended to provoke hilarity in the audience.


TITLE: Historiantes (Moro) Mask
TYPE: face mask
COUNTRY: El Salvador
SUBREGION: San Salvador
DESCRIPTION: Moro (Moor) Mask
MAKER: Celio López (San Antonio Abad, 1962- )
CEREMONY: Danza de los Historiantes
AGE: 1994
MAIN MATERIAL: pito wood
OTHER MATERIALS: oil-based paint; animal hair; shoestrings

The Danza de los Historiantes (Dance of the Historical Persons), also known as the Danza de los Moros y Cristianos (Dance of the Moors and Christians) reenacts the reconquest of Spain by the Christians from the Muslim Saracens.  The story was taught by missionaries as part of an effort to instill respect for and fear of the Spaniards in the indigenous peoples, and to convince them that the victory of Christianity over other faiths—by violence whenever necessary—was inevitable.

The dance is still performed in several parts of El Salvador, usually on the festival in honor of the village’s patron saint. The dance group includes several Spaniards with their prince and princess or king and queen, and an equal number of Moors with their royalty. Each Spaniard and Moor has a specific role (ambassador, captain, doctor, etc.). Usually each side has its own clown (bufón). In the neighborhood of San Antonio Abad (named after its patron saint), where this mask originates, twelve or more dancers reenact the history with recited verses, feigned combat, and clownish antics. They are accompanied by the music of the carrizo (reed flute) and tambor indio (drum).

In the region of San Salvador, masks are inevitably red and blue, with Christians having clean-shaven faces and Moors having mustaches or beards. In other parts of El Salvador, the masks are different colors (green and pink, bright pink, etc.) or resemble natural skin.

Click above to watch a short documentary about the Historiantes dance-drama of El Salvador.


TITLE: Historiantes (Cristiano) Mask
TYPE: face mask
COUNTRY: El Salvador
SUBREGION: San Salvador
DESCRIPTION: Cristiano (Christian) Mask
MAKER: Celio López (San Antonio Abad, 1962- )
CEREMONY: Danza de los Historiantes
AGE: 1996
MAIN MATERIAL: pito wood
OTHER MATERIALS: oil-based paint; animal hair; shoestrings

The Danza de los Historiantes (Dance of the Historical Persons), also known as the Danza de los Moros y Cristianos (Dance of the Moors and Christians) reenacts the reconquest of Spain by the Christians from the Muslim Saracens.  The story was taught by missionaries as part of an effort to instill respect for and fear of the Spaniards in the indigenous peoples, and to convince them that the victory of Christianity over other faiths—by violence whenever necessary—was inevitable.

The dance is still performed in several parts of El Salvador, usually on the festival in honor of the village’s patron saint. The dance group includes several Spaniards with their prince and princess or king and queen, and an equal number of Moors with their royalty. Each Spaniard and Moor has a specific role (ambassador, captain, doctor, etc.). Usually each side has its own clown (bufón). In the neighborhood of San Antonio Abad (named after its patron saint), where this mask originates, twelve or more dancers reenact the history with recited verses, feigned combat, and clownish antics. They are accompanied by the music of the carrizo (reed flute) and tambor indio (drum).

In the region of San Salvador, masks are inevitably red and blue, with Christians having clean-shaven faces and Moors having mustaches or beards. In other parts of El Salvador, the masks are different colors (green and pink, bright pink, etc.) or resemble natural skin.

Click above to watch a short documentary about the Historiantes dance-drama of El Salvador.
